Take control of your chat rooms.

Jabbot is a multi-platform chat bot that allows you to build commands on the fly right in the chat box.

Midori is our showcase Jabbot instance allowing you to test w/o any installation..


Use the "!" sign to interact with Midori.

Look up for existing commands using “!help”

Call a command using “!” [command-name] followed by its parameters.

Create new commands using “!script”

Get Started With Rich Commands.

Output Rich HTML Objects and Media.

!script sub colors
    print HTML "<span style='color: #FF1C1C'>RED</span>";


Accept Arguments in Your Commands.

!script sub simonsays
    if (sizeof _==1){
        var arg = _[0];
        print "you said: ".arg;
    } else{
        print "you did not say anything";

Use REST APIs to Spice Up Your Commands.

!script sub xkcd2
    var comic=get ("http://xkcd.com/info.0.json");
    print comic->"img";
    print HTML "<img src='".comic->"img"."'/>";


Installing your own Jabbot

The easiest way to install it is via our apt repo

sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https ca-certificates
echo "deb [trusted=yes] https://dl.bintray.com/midoricorp/deb unstable main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/midoricorp-jabbot.list
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install jabbot-full

You will be asked alot of questions to set Jabbot up. DON'T PANIC! All the bot commands have sane defaults you can safely hit enter to!

Or check out our project page to find out how to install master